HD Moon Texture Replacement FSX & P3D
Replaces the 15 textures of the moon through high definition textures that make a real improvement in terms of realism.
Additionally it's now possible to use 2048x2048 instead of 1024x1024 or 512x512 resolved textures. This means a plus of 3200 % in terms of resolution compared with default 64x64 textures.
The installation is 100% automatised. The program will restore your original files during uninstall.
Replaces the 15 textures of the moon through high definition textures that make a real improvement in terms of realism.
Additionally it's now possible to use 2048x2048 instead of 1024x1024 or 512x512 resolved textures. This means a plus of 3200 % in terms of resolution compared with default 64x64 textures.
The installation is 100% automatised. The program will restore your original files during uninstall.

- Rating
Size 40.8 MB
Downloads 35 000
License Freeware
Auto-install Installer version 10
{file_title_riko} is compatible with Prepar3D v1 jusqu'à Prepar3D v5 et FSX-Steam ainsi que FSX (toutes versions)
Author : {author_data}
{module 542}