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General Conditions of Sale of

Preamble :
This website is the property of the self-contractor BENDER Erik (hereinafter referred to as Rikoooo), whose registered office is at 107 chemin port de port, 31410 Noé, registered with the Trade and Companies Register under the Siret number 50970657800010 tel. 05 61 97 39 54. The purpose of these general terms and conditions of sale is to define the terms and conditions and the conditions under which sales between Rikoooo and its customers are concluded on this website. The validation of the icon enabling the purchaser to become acquainted with and to adhere to the present general conditions of sale will constitute irrevocable and definitive consent on his part on all the provisions contained in the general conditions of sale.

Article 1 - Purpose and scope
1.1- These general conditions of sale prevail over any other document of the buyer, and in particular on any general conditions of purchase, unless express and prior derogatory agreement of our company.
1.2 - These general conditions of sale apply to all sales of products by our company on its website unless specific agreement prior to the order agreed in writing between the parties.
1.3 - Any other document than these general conditions of sale and in particular catalogs, prospectuses, advertisements, notices, is only indicative, non-contractual. The photographs and graphics presented on the website are only indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the seller.

Article 2 - Intellectual Property
All texts, comments, illustrations and images reproduced on the site are reserved and are the exclusive property of Rikoooo or its suppliers and are protected under copyright and intellectual property for the whole world And designs, models, patents, plans and in general all documents of any kind delivered or sent by Rikoooo to the customer are the exclusive property of Rikoooo or its suppliers.

Article 3 - Orders
3.1 - Products offered for sale by Rikoooo are those presented on and whose essential characteristics are described here. In accordance with Article L. 111-1 of the Consumer Code, which stipulates that "every professional who sells goods or services shall, prior to the conclusion of the contract, place the consumer in a position to know the essential characteristics of the goods or services ", The company Rikoooo allows the customer, prior to any order placement, to solicit additional information on these products by telephone or by email, at the numbers appearing in the preamble of these general conditions of sale.
Rikoooo undertakes to provide the customer with any additional information he may wish to obtain if he does not consider himself sufficiently informed by the description and characteristics of the products sold on the above-mentioned site.
However, it is the responsibility of the customer to verify that the products ordered correspond to his needs and destination, the customer being solely responsible for the conformity of the products to the use for which it is intended.
3.2 - Automatic recording systems are considered to be proof of the nature, content and date of the order. Rikoooo confirms the acceptance of its order to the customer at the e-mail address that it will have communicated. The sale will only be concluded after confirmation of the order.
Rikoooo reserves the right to cancel any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order. The information stated by the purchaser, when taking an order, commits the customer: in case of error in the recipient's address details, the seller can not be held responsible for the impossibility of delivering the product.
3.3 - Rikoooo reserves the right to make any changes or improvements that it deems necessary at any time to its products, without this being justified by the customer, refusal of acceptance and reserves the right to At the time of deleting one of the products appearing on its website, this deletion can not in any case justify on the part of the customer, some damages that are. If a product were to be deleted and the customer did not wish to choose another identical or similar product, his order would be canceled ipso jure and the payments made would be refunded.
Rikoooo's product offerings are available within the limit of available stocks and for products not stored in Rikoooo's premises, subject to the availability of its suppliers, which are beyond the control of Rikoooo. In case of unavailability of the products after placing the order, Rikoooo undertakes to inform the customer as soon as possible, by mail, Internet or e-mail. The customer can then cancel his order and Rikoooo will refund to him, as soon as possible, any sum that it could have collected from the customer.
Any unavailability of the products, for whatever reason, can in no case give rise to the payment by Rikoooo of some damages and interests or some expenses of any nature whatsoever.

Article 4 - Deliveries
The delivery of the intangible asset is made immediately after validation of the payment.

Article 5 - Price
The sales prices of the products are fixed by the tariff in force on the day of the placing of the order. Rikoooo reserves the right to modify its prices at any time and in case of variation of prices, the prices applicable will be those in effect on the date of reception of the order.
The prices and prices listed on are quoted in euro and include VAT. They are net of any discount and excluding delivery or shipping costs.

Article 6 - Payment
6.1 - Payment
The payment of the products ordered on the site is done cash on order by Paypal or 2Checkout (CB) or Check.
6.2 - Non-payment / Retention of title clause
Any incident of payment will authorize Rikoooo to suspend the execution of all outstanding orders of the customer, without the latter being able to claim any damages or indemnities of any kind. In addition, the buyer shall reimburse Rikoooo all costs incurred in the recovery of unpaid sums, including a lump sum indemnity of 10% of the sums due, without prejudice to any other damages and interest.
When the products sold are not paid in full at the time of delivery, Rikoooo reserves the property until full payment of the principal price and the corresponding accessories, payment within the meaning of this clause being understood by the collection Price by Rikoooo. In case of default 8 days after a letter of formal notice sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt and unsuccessful, the sale will be canceled as of right if good seems to Rikoooo without prejudice to any other damage and interest.

Article 7 - Guarantee of apparent and hidden defects
Rikoooo guarantees that its products comply with the French and European regulations in force concerning them, as they exist.

Article 8 - Nominative information
Rikoooo undertakes not to communicate to third parties the information transmitted to it by the client, which is confidential. This information will only be used by Rikoooo internal services to process the customer's order. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, the customer has a right of access, rectification and opposition to personal data concerning him. To do this, it is sufficient to apply online or by mail, specifying the name, first name, address and, if possible, the customer reference.

Article 9 - Force majeure
Rikoooo may be relieved of all or part of its obligations without being able to claim any damages from it in the event of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure preventing or delaying the activation of the products or of some of their elements .
If the event lasts more than thirty days from the date of its occurrence, the contract of sale concluded by our company and its customer may be terminated by its most diligent part, without any of the parties Can claim damages. This cancellation will take effect on the date of first presentation of the registered letter with AR denouncing the said contract of sale.

Article 10 - Jurisdiction
By express agreement between the parties, the Commercial Court of our headquarters will be solely responsible for any disputes or for any proceedings related to the formation, execution or interpretation of these general conditions of sale and all operations Sales of Rikoooo products. These general conditions of sale and all sales made by Rikoooo are subject to French law.

Article 11 - Waiver
The fact that our company does not, at any given time, avail itself of any of the clauses hereof, can not waive the right to rely on these clauses at a later date.

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© All rights reserved. Created by Erik BENDER.

We are not affiliated with Microsoft, Asobo or Flight Simulator in any way.