Airbus A350-1000 XWB CamSim FSX & P3D
Here for the first time in Freeware for Prepar3D v4 (also compatible FSX) the Airbus A350-1000 with eight repaints, virtual cockpit and custom sounds. Thanks to Camil Valiquette (CamSim) for giving us permission to convert their model from A350-1000 to P3D v4 / FSX in native format.
Repaints: Virgin Atlantic "Red Velvet", Emirates, House Colors, Air Caraibes, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Japan Airlines, Philippines
The virtual cockpit and the 2D Panel come from Thomas Ruth's A330NG. Actually, there is no virtual cockpit of the A350 available as Freeware, we hope one day, so we can replace this A330NG VC, if you want to achieve a virtual cockpit for the A350 thank you to contact us, we can help you.
That said, the virtual cockpit of the A330NG makes it possible to perfectly pilot this plane very stable, the sensations of piloting are there. There is also a Honeywell FMC, a GPWS, a HUD and multiple gauges of services added by Rikoooo.

Here for the first time in Freeware for Prepar3D v4 (also compatible FSX) the Airbus A350-1000 with eight repaints, virtual cockpit and custom sounds. Thanks to Camil Valiquette (CamSim) for giving us permission to convert their model from A350-1000 to P3D v4 / FSX in native format.
Repaints: Virgin Atlantic "Red Velvet", Emirates, House Colors, Air Caraibes, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Japan Airlines, Philippines
The virtual cockpit and the 2D Panel come from Thomas Ruth's A330NG. Actually, there is no virtual cockpit of the A350 available as Freeware, we hope one day, so we can replace this A330NG VC, if you want to achieve a virtual cockpit for the A350 thank you to contact us, we can help you.
That said, the virtual cockpit of the A330NG makes it possible to perfectly pilot this plane very stable, the sensations of piloting are there. There is also a Honeywell FMC, a GPWS, a HUD and multiple gauges of services added by Rikoooo.

- Rating
Size 58.4 MB
Downloads 61 661
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Auto-install Installer version 10.5
{file_title_riko} is compatible with Prepar3D v1 jusqu'à Prepar3D v5 et FSX-Steam ainsi que FSX (toutes versions)
Author : {author_data}
{module 542}