Saab J-21 Swedish Fighter FSX SP2
The Saab 21 was a Swedish fighter/attack aircraft from SAAB that first took to the air in 1943. It was described as a very efficient weapons platform. It was designed as a twin boom pusher configuration, where the propeller is mounted in the rear of the fuselage, pushing the aircraft forward. Source: Wikipedia
This release comes with 4 paint schemes, VC, metric gauges and all the usual stuff.
Good quality, very nice work.
The Saab 21 was a Swedish fighter/attack aircraft from SAAB that first took to the air in 1943. It was described as a very efficient weapons platform. It was designed as a twin boom pusher configuration, where the propeller is mounted in the rear of the fuselage, pushing the aircraft forward. Source: Wikipedia
This release comes with 4 paint schemes, VC, metric gauges and all the usual stuff.
Good quality, very nice work.