MiG-23 Flogger FSX & P3D
Alphasim's MiG-23 FLOGGER, updated to FSX/P3D native MDL X coded lights, animations and materials. External stores on weight visibility conditions, except strike loadout : Droptank on weight condition via payload manager, RN28 nuclear stores on dropped object condition from saved flight.
AS6 KAREN ASM visibility from saved flight. Missile uses free rocket solution2.
Several registered flights are included with this add-on (see My Documents or Documents).
Included 6 repaints :
Operation :
Canopy : shift-e
Drag chute : F key (uses wingfold command, does not cause any retardation)
Swing wings : Flaps keys (F5 - F8)
Alphasim's MiG-23 FLOGGER, updated to FSX/P3D native MDL X coded lights, animations and materials. External stores on weight visibility conditions, except strike loadout : Droptank on weight condition via payload manager, RN28 nuclear stores on dropped object condition from saved flight.
AS6 KAREN ASM visibility from saved flight. Missile uses free rocket solution2.
Several registered flights are included with this add-on (see My Documents or Documents).
Included 6 repaints :
- Strike Red-479(N) of 190th Fighter Regiment, Kanatovo AB c.1987
- AS Red-479(AS) of 190th Fighter Regiment, Kanatovo AB c.1987
- Yellow-49 unk VVA Fighter Regiment, c.1987
- Yellow-49 strike loadout, unk VVA Fighter Regiment, c.1987
- RED86 USAF Aggresor, Tonopah, c,1987
- Strike Red-58, AS-6 ASM's
Operation :
Canopy : shift-e
Drag chute : F key (uses wingfold command, does not cause any retardation)
Swing wings : Flaps keys (F5 - F8)
- Rating
Size 27.8 MB
Downloads 14 550
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Auto-install Installer version 10.5
{file_title_riko} is compatible with Prepar3D v1 jusqu'à Prepar3D v5 et FSX-Steam ainsi que FSX (toutes versions)
Author : {author_data}
{module 542}