La Gomera Island Photoreal FSX & P3D
Here is the beautiful island of La Gomera (in Spain), it is a complete photo-real scenery in 50 cm per pixel of the whole island. With simple auto-gen (differently styled buildings and trees) and night textures created using ScenProc software. This scenery is dedicated to Prepar3D v4 and v5, it uses objects from the default library, but should also work with FSX.
The scenery is magnificent under Prepar3D v5 with ultra graphics and autogen pushed to the maximum.
Airport included: La Gomera GCGM
La Gomera, the second smallest of the main islands in Spain's Canary Islands chain, is marked by rugged volcanic mountains criss-crossed by hiking trails. At higher elevations, dense forests of ferns and moss-covered trees grow in the mists of Garajonay National Park. Towards the coast, the canyon of Valle Gran Rey passes the whitewashed village of La Calera and ends on the black sand beaches of the Atlantic.
If you like his work and would like to donate to BravoKiloNiner 2021, here is a link

Here is the beautiful island of La Gomera (in Spain), it is a complete photo-real scenery in 50 cm per pixel of the whole island. With simple auto-gen (differently styled buildings and trees) and night textures created using ScenProc software. This scenery is dedicated to Prepar3D v4 and v5, it uses objects from the default library, but should also work with FSX.
The scenery is magnificent under Prepar3D v5 with ultra graphics and autogen pushed to the maximum.
Airport included: La Gomera GCGM
La Gomera, the second smallest of the main islands in Spain's Canary Islands chain, is marked by rugged volcanic mountains criss-crossed by hiking trails. At higher elevations, dense forests of ferns and moss-covered trees grow in the mists of Garajonay National Park. Towards the coast, the canyon of Valle Gran Rey passes the whitewashed village of La Calera and ends on the black sand beaches of the Atlantic.
If you like his work and would like to donate to BravoKiloNiner 2021, here is a link

- Rating
Size 352 MB
Downloads 2 012
License Freeware
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Auto-install Installer Scenery v11
{file_title_riko} is compatible with Prepar3D v1 jusqu'à Prepar3D v5 et FSX-Steam et FSX-Acceleration ainsi que FSX-SP2
Author : {author_data}
{module 542}