HMS Bounty Replica FSX & P3D
HMS Bounty 18th Century Tall Ship square rigger completely wind-driven, individually animated and controlled sails, animated flags with direction and wind speeds, animated helm, and Sail Management Window to control all ship functions. Ship responds to wind speeds and direction with yaw, keeling, and pitch depending on sails deployed and yard arm positions. Ambient sounds, variable wind and gale storm sounds, ship's bell, "Salute", anchor weigh/drop all add to the immersion.
IMPORTANT: Read the documentation "HMS Bounty Replica.pdf" which is located in your Documents of "Windows" to learn how to control the boat.
Note: Realism settings should be set to "Hard" for best Wind Effects (will not work on "Easy" realism in FSX.)
HMS Bounty, also known as HM Armed Vessel Bounty, was a small merchant vessel purchased by the Royal Navy for a botanical mission. The ship, under the command of William Bligh, was sent to the Pacific Ocean to acquire breadfruit plants and transport them to British possessions in the West Indies. That mission was never completed, due to a mutiny led by Acting Lieutenant Fletcher Christian. This was the famous Mutiny on the Bounty.

HMS Bounty 18th Century Tall Ship square rigger completely wind-driven, individually animated and controlled sails, animated flags with direction and wind speeds, animated helm, and Sail Management Window to control all ship functions. Ship responds to wind speeds and direction with yaw, keeling, and pitch depending on sails deployed and yard arm positions. Ambient sounds, variable wind and gale storm sounds, ship's bell, "Salute", anchor weigh/drop all add to the immersion.
IMPORTANT: Read the documentation "HMS Bounty Replica.pdf" which is located in your Documents of "Windows" to learn how to control the boat.
Note: Realism settings should be set to "Hard" for best Wind Effects (will not work on "Easy" realism in FSX.)
HMS Bounty, also known as HM Armed Vessel Bounty, was a small merchant vessel purchased by the Royal Navy for a botanical mission. The ship, under the command of William Bligh, was sent to the Pacific Ocean to acquire breadfruit plants and transport them to British possessions in the West Indies. That mission was never completed, due to a mutiny led by Acting Lieutenant Fletcher Christian. This was the famous Mutiny on the Bounty.

- Rating
Size 45.5 MB
Downloads 22 358
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Auto-install Installer version 10.5
{file_title_riko} is compatible with Prepar3D v1 jusqu'à Prepar3D v5 et FSX-Steam ainsi que FSX (toutes versions)
Author : {author_data}
{module 542}