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Historic Flight Plan

The Alaska Crude Oil Route

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Further to the discovery, in 1968, of crude oil in Alaska ; the construction of a pipe line is decided. Nine years later, il entered service on 1300 kilometers long, from North of Alaska (Prudhoe Bay), to South (Golf of Alaska). This flight plan ends on Cordoba airfield, in border of the Prince William Bay.

Here are 15 legs over this pipe line, including 2 water landings, with somptuous landscapes. Be carefull, nevertheless, with approaches which are, sometimes, dangerous with short and unlighted runways

Let's have a previous look on Google Earth, concerning the geographical relief of each leg, then on the GPS screen for final approaches.

As far as Big and Ewan lake are concerned :
1st/ Follow the GPS target.
2nd/ Refer to the simulator map to precise the exact position of each lake, and in order to avoid mountains when flying low altitudes.

All light amphibious planes will suit for this journey.

GPS recommended

For further information and comments, you can join me via the list of members (michel95).

Prudhoe Bay (Dead Horse PASC) /50mn/ Sagwon (Sagwon Airport SAG) /56mn/ Galbraith Lake (Galbraith Lake PAGB) /58mn/ Big Lake N 67 30 36 W 149 26 19 - Alt : 1733ft) GPS target : Stevens Village (Stevens Village SVS) /17mn/ Wiseman (Wiseman WSM) /10mn/ Coldfoot (Coldfoot CXF) /2mn/ Porcupine Creek (Porcupine Creek PCK) /79mn/ Stevens Village (Stevens Village SVS) /34mn/ Livengood (Livengood Camp 4AK) /45mn/ Fairbanks (Fairbanks Intl PAFA) /74mn/ Delta Junction-Ft Greel (Allen AAF - PABI) /94mn/ Ewan Lake N 62 25 75 W 145 49 14 - Alt : 2086ft) GPS target : Crosswind Lake 1AK2 /24mn/ Glennhallen (Brenswicks Airport 3Z5) /9mn/ Copper Center (Copper Center Nr2 - Z93) /56mn/ Valdez (Valdez Pioneer PAVD) /38mn/ Cordova (Cordova Mun CKU)

Copyright Michel Lagneau 2008

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