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Historic Flight Plan

Homer's Odyssey

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I choose for this flight plan the hypothesis of Victor Bérard (1864-1931), who sailed on his own ship to relive the 10 years journey of Ulysses back to his kingdom of Ithaca.

While his wife Penelope was waiting for him, and had to deal with a group of unruly suitors, Ulysses 's son Telemachus was searching for his father around the Mediterranean sea.

For each leg you will find in italics the words relative to Homer's text, and the nearest point in Flight Simulator.

As far as water landings are concerned, such as Capri island, follow first the GPS target, secondly, refer to the simulator map with the exact position (N/E) indicated.

A long range amphibious is welcome for this flight plan.

GPS recommended

For further information and comments, you can join me via the List of members (michel95). 


Troy - Ilion -Trojan War : Canakkale (Canakkale AB LTBH) 49mn


Ismaros - Kikones or Cicones Land : Alexandropoulis (Dimokritos LGAL) 834mn


Lothophages Land : Djerba (Zarzis DTTJ) 453mn


Cyclops - Polyphemus : Naples (Capodichino MIL LJRN) /148mn/ Aeole Aeolian Island - Lipari (N 38 28 03 E 14 57 13 GPS target : Catane - (Fontanarossa LICC) / 325mn/ Laestrygones Land : Sardaigne - Santa Teresa Gallura (N 41 15 36 E 09 14 40 GPS target : Olbia - Costa Smeralda LIEO) /170mn/ Circe : San Felice Circeo (N 41 14 23 E 13 05 43 GPS target : Latina - Latina MIL LIRL) /80mn/ Sirens : Capri island (N 40 32 57 E 14 13 24 GPS target : Salerno - Pontecagnano LIRI) /163mn/ Charybdis and Scylla Strait of Messina - Regio Calabria (Regio Calabria LICR) /150mn/  Helios Island - Thrinacia - Sacred cattle of sun god Helios : Sicile - Trapani (Birgi MIL LICT) 860mn


Calypso : Ceuta Peninsula (N 35 53 65 O 05 16 75)  GPS target : Maroc - Tetouan - Sania R'mel GMTN) 1212mn


Phéacia - Pheacians - Alkinoos - Nausicaa : Corfou - Kerkira (Ionnis Kapadistria Intl LGKR) /82mn/ Penelope - Télémachus - Eumaeus - Argos : Ithaca (N 38 22 53 E 20 41 33) GPS target : Epitalion LGEP)


Copyright Michel Lagneau 2008

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