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Historic Flight Plan

1931 Charles Lindbergh's Route to China

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Here is the airline traced by Charles Lindbergh in 1931 on a Lockheed Sirius seaplane with his wife Ann.

Amphibious aircrafts with a long range are recommended, as well as GPS.

Each step / airfield is located near rivers, lakes, coastal bays or harbours, the water landing is, therefore, possible ; keep in mind that the Lockheed Sirius was not amphibious.

As far as Point Barrow (Alaska, USA), Karaginski Islands (Russia) and Nemuro (Japan), are concerned, you must:

1 / Follow, first, the GPS target (red track).

2 / The exact water landing position is indicated (refer to the simulator map).

For additional information and comments you can reach me via the List of Members (michel95).


New York (New York Skyport Seaplane Inc. 6N7) / 691 min


Moose Factory / Factory Island (Moosonee CYMO) / 919 min / Baker Lake CYBK / 952 min / Aklavik CYKD / 481 min /

USA 2 Alaska

Point Barrow - water landing position : 71 23 01 North 156 30 51 West (GPS target : Wiley Post - Will Rogers Memle PABR) / 458 min / Nome PAOM / 1001 nm


Karaginski Islands - water landing position : 55 20 36 North, 166 13 73 East (GPS target : Petropavlovsk Yelisovo UHPP) / 302 min / Petropavlovsk (Yelisovo UHPP) / 786 min


Nemuro - water landing position : 43 14 91 North, 145 31 37 East (GPS target : Nakashibetsu RJCN) / 533 min / Tokyo (Haneda Intl RJTT) / 476 min / Fukuoka RJFF / 594 min


Nanking (Dajiaochang Z08T) Lindbergh water landed downtown on the river Yangtze-Kiang.


Copyright 2008 Michel Lagneau

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